Thursday 13 October 2016

Around the world in eighty hours

Ok, so it's more like 60 hours, but I'm not aware of any classical novels with 'sixty' in the title.

Roger here. I'm back from a tremendous trip to the UK. I landed to a warm and pizza-laden welcome at Becky and Greg's flat (the only flight drama was someone fainting, whereupon the girl next to me tactlessly asked loudly about the airline's arrangements for dead bodies). Saturday morning brought with it a jetlag-busting run around Clapham Common and Battersea Park, followed by hot chocolates, muesli, Byron burgers and beers with friends. Tom then kindly hosted some welcome home drinks for me and Nim, where I continued to see some of my favourite faces. 

Lunch on the top of Cader Idris, Wales.
Legend has it that sleeping on the top
turns one into a madman or a poet.
It was quite windy so we didn't try.
The middle part of the week was very family-friendly. Highlights included seeing both my brothers' university accommodation, revisiting Rummers, two solid Welsh walks (one up Cader Idris, see photo) and two solid meals with various relatives in Sheffield. I then shot back into London for an authentic Carluccio's-Italian lunch with a friend and to say "hi" to some old work colleagues.

The weekend topped off a brilliant week, as I saw two university friends marry (each other, which was both heart-warming and convenient from a diary-management point of view). With superb speeches, a brilliant band and an inspired 9pm buffet, it was everything a wedding should be. I even got a shout out for my lengthly journey, with helped boost my jetlag-dampened ego. 
Me and Greg at the wedding,
laughing at a joke that
was probably hilarious

I saw some more family and stayed in a Faulty Towers-inspired hotel (one member of staff was a jack of all the various hotel trades, but a master of none) before jumping back onto a plane. The return journey was uneventful apart from someone getting expelled from the plane by Shanghai police for being angry about a bag (even if I spoke Mandarin it would have been confusing) and the older lady next to me laying completely across the free seat between us and practically sleeping in my lap (she later tried to make it up to me by proffering some blackened boiled eggs, I politely declined). 

Upon landing I headed straight back into work, and have now broken the back of my jet lag by barely sleeping during my journey. Nevertheless, apologies for any typos as I slowly rebuild my concentration.

Thanks to all of those who put me up, and who put up with me, during my UK foray. Dora seems to be enjoying Malaysia, having also climbed some mountains - it's not as if there aren't enough of them here in New Zealand!

Lots of excitement to come in the following weeks as Dora returns, Simon arrives, and we all depart to the South Island for a camper van adventure. Expect more photos, complaints about the cold and better-proofed writing.

But for now, I'm off to sleep. Goodnight, or "good morning" if you're in the UK, or my brain.