Tuesday 19 January 2016

Welcome to Wellington: Food and Activities

We've now been in Wellington a week, and so reckon it's time to round up the experiences so far. These can be broadly categorised into 'Food' and 'Activities'. We hope 'Friends' might feature at some point soon...

Fresh figs and fig-and-honey ice cream
We have been spoiled living with my uncle Douglas, particularly because he is such an excellent chef. The chicken and olive tagine mentioned in our last blog was topped only by an incredible salade nicoise with a twist: addition of mango, avocado and pine nuts, and a tangy dressing. We tried to recreate this this evening and failed. Douglas has also introduced me to the fresh food hall at Moore Wilson's, which feels very French and provided the figs opposite.

I lied about Friends: we do have one here. Possibly my oldest friend in the world, Tom, with whom we enjoyed artisan wood-fired pizza in a trendy place on Cuba Street that rivalled Shoreditch eateries. That is until we discovered the chocolate pizza on the menu (pictured). Then it became better! We also had a really lovely Pinot Noir (by accident). 

Sliding down the gourmet scale now, on your right is Roger's first New Zealand pie, eaten after a very informative tour of the Beehive and Parliament House. Roger and I both answered questions correctly. 

On your left is the enormous serving of potato wedges we ate after kayaking (see 'Activities' below), lying on bean bags in the sun at Mac's Brew Bar, sipping craft beers. Roger cunningly kept moving the bean bags to chase the sun as the shadows grew longer.

Following the parliament tour, pie, kayaking, beer and potato wedges (Roger's Christmas present day out) we tried to find room for contemporary Kiwi fare at Chameleon restaurant. Roger had paua (pictured) and I had fejoa juice. We also enjoyed melt-in-the-mouth venison and melt-in-the-mouth gnocchi, which probably impressed us the most!

Our 'Activities' began on Roger's Christmas present day: we hired a double kayak and paddled ("piddled") round the harbour, through the marina and across Oriental bay, debating at that point whether to join the children jumping off pontoons into the water. On the way back we piddled under the wharf on the waterfront, enjoying the gloom and exploration. Suddenly, two people waded out from a big stone pipe. Apparently they were storm drain enthusiasts and it was a particularly old (Victorian!) one. Later we came across them again, perched on the muddy 'bank' under the wharf. Each to their own.

Fergs Kayaks
We returned to Fergs Kayaks to use their indoor climbing wall - one with proper ropes and harnesses. In addition to a collection of fiendishly difficult walls, Roger also climbed a rope and I climbed a rope ladder. With the belaying of the other person and twice-as-high-as-bouldering ascents, we (well I) left exhausted. Thank you Julius for the Christmas present - you can pay me back!

Our final big Activity was a real New Zealand tramp (hike) in the Rimutaka Forest Park, a mere forty minute drive from Wellington. We tackled the steep uphill Butcher Track first, to a lookout with views back over the hills to Wellington. Avocado sandwiches demolished, we walked along the Clay Ridge Track, admiring ferns, bush views and alarmingly successful possum traps. A steep descent led to the Orongorongo River bed, where sadly there were no swimming holes, but we cooled down. The final stage of the walk tested our legs again, with a steep climb to a dry ridge with manuka trees.

On the way back into town we stopped by Pak'n'Save, hoping for a Lidl-like experience. Verdict: closer to Asda.

See below for pics of the tramp. Until next time,

Dora (and Roger)

Avocado sandwich time
Effective possum trap

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