Tuesday 28 June 2016

Arrivals, sports and three types of departure

One of Dora's frequent lunches
Landing back (on Saturday 11 June) in Wellington from our Vanuatu adventure, we were greeted by Dora’s parents. Our flat was their base camp as they trekked out to relatives across New Zealand. During their ‘rest stops’ Dora was treated to frequent lunches, I was treated to a well-stocked fridge and we were all treated with evenings to ‘The Magic Flute’ and the Wellington leg of the Welsh rugby team’s tour against the All Blacks. Luckily, having lived in Vanuatu themselves, Dora's parents were also the most attentive holiday-photo-viewers we could wish for!

Westpac Stadium - view from our seats.
However, the start of the last few weeks of relaxation did not begin well for me. A short trail run with Dora prompted my immune system to call a time out in its battle with some Vanuatuan Virus, laying me out for several days. But by the weekend I was back on my feet to enjoy the aforementioned Rugby, where Wales challenged New Zealand in a spirited, but ultimately doomed, manner (final score: New Zealand 36 – 22 Wales). The afterglow of scrumptious pre-match meal at Douglas’, joined by Trish and Andrew, kept us warm throughout.

Me crossing the finish line,
where apparently I learnt to fly.
Me and our friend Tim
proudly clutching our medals.
Dora and I continue our sporting pursuits at a more amateur level, having completed several football matches and (for me) a half-marathon and some mountain biking over the past few weeks. In about three weeks we’ll also be adding ‘skiing’ to our ‘list of activities done in New Zealand’ (we have lots of lists) so watch this space.

Of course, the big news this weekend has been Brexit (Departure 1). I’ve also got carried away with the mood and exited my job (Departure 2), changing it for something with a shorter commute distance – a 7-minute walk instead of the current 8-minute slog.

First attempt at 'slow cooking'.
Paracetamol in top left unrelated.
This weekend we also bade farewell to Dora’s parents (Departure 3), after a farewell meal at our favourite – and only – Asian Tapas Restaurant ‘Chow’. We’re sure we’ll see them again, particularly if we manage to master the slow cooker they’ve kindly procured for us (in addition to the coffee plunger, sieve, apron and small frying pan)! 

p.s. We previously mentioned scuba-diving with Bill the American. He has kindly sent us some Go Pro footage from our dive - you can occasionally see us in the corners. Watch to the end for some great footage of some very curious Clownfish.

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