Monday 8 August 2016

Winter has come

Dora's football the week before last.
Note the clement weather.
It is very cold. Lured into a false sense of security by a sun-filled summer and extended autumn, Dora and I are now cursing whoever nonchalantly deposited our windows loosely into their frames, as we sit beneath blankets with only kiwi fruit crumble and entertaining podcasts to keep us warm.

Walking into WestPac. Note the hoods.
We’ve spent as much time as possible out and about the past few weeks to avoid our cold flat. Highlights include meeting up with some newlywed friends (Hugh and Jessica) on their honeymoon and attending the semi-final and final of the Super Rugby Championships at the Westpac stadium. The lattermost event was a particularly chilly affair, with the heart-warming win by the Wellington Hurricanes (after several near-misses in recent years) failing to improve circulation to our fingers.
Even staunch Wellingtonians seems to be affected by this cold snap - I had a football match shortened when the opposition lost the will to go on at 3-1 down and with horizontal sleet making it difficult to breathe.

In other news, Dora has added yoga and more singing to her hobby list, we saw the latest Star Trek ("meh") and we have set in stone plans to spend Christmas here, where we'll be joined by several friends and this thing called a "sun", which at present seems like a distant memory.  

Action shot of semi-final. Spot the ball in mid-air. Hurricanes in yellow and black.
Next week: We eat and drink our way through the “Wellington on a plate” food festival.

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