Thursday 25 May 2017

Unsettled life on the weekdays

On the way back from Hand to God we
came across the Wellington light show -
in this case projection of ballet onto water
Our dispatches tend to be quite weekend-heavy, so this time we’ll also update you on some things we did to while away the time leading up to 5pm last Friday.

(the prior) Tuesday – We’re in the midst of the Wellington comedy festival, so Dora and I went to see ‘Hand to God’, a rather rude play with a possessed puppet that ran wild on Broadway.

(last) Tuesday – Kiwis are quiz crazy. We joined this obsession along with Matt and Phoebe at the ‘Southern Cross’ pub. The poor diction of the Quiz Master added an extra challenge to the event, where we drank mulled cider to drown our sorrows at coming mid-table.

Wednesday – We accompanied Matt to indoor climbing, testing our belaying skills to the max by falling off a variety of walls.

Dora gleefully piloting
Thursday – More comedy beckoned, this time with Rich and Lucy. We chuckled through a show called ‘Live, Laugh, Love’, which turned a critical eye to scandi-loving-candle-burning-slogan-sponsoring yuppies. Arguably an exercise in self-depreciation.

Come the weekend, we were ready for some rest, and found it at Helen’s farm in the foothills of the Ruahines. She needed some drone photos taking, and we were delighted to help out, in between some Masters reading, marshmallow-cooking over wood-burning fires, and an enjoyable viewing of ‘Hidden Figures’ in Helen’s indoor cinema. Sunday evening saw us return to Wellington, batteries recharged for a less intensive week.

Next weekend we’re going to a club night (no, really). Given our low alcohol tolerance I doubt we’ll get up to much else.
Photo of drone looking as big as our car (not hard)

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