Friday 3 November 2017

A short final note from the land of the long white cloud

[Dora] Roger wrote this, but he could have been reading my mind. 

Our arrival seems like yesterday. We landed in Auckland in the middle of a rain storm, an inauspicious start to an auspicious 22 months. Soon afterwards we were aboard a train towards Wellington, which has been our base for the last two years as we explore New Zealand.

We were immediately blown away by Aotearoa’s beauty. However, in our first few months we naturally missed home, particularly the friends and family who bid us such a warm farewell.

Now we’re on the other side of our journey, and we’re going through the same process. We’re again heading into the unknown, and while we’re pleased to be returning to the UK, we already miss our Kiwi friends and family.

Thank you to all of you who made our life in Wellington wonderful – we’ve lived, dined, swam, run, dragonboated, tramped, played, drank, planned, journeyed, cycled, worked and laughed together. In doing so, we’ve made a home away from home. It's been awesome sharing some of our adventures with visiting family and friends too.

We now know there are at least two places in the world we love loving. It’s unfortunate they’re on opposite sides of the world, but luckily we love sustained periods in cramped seating and bingewatching rubbish films! While we don’t know what the future holds, we do know it’s likely hold a great deal of New Zealand.

Off we go to South America, then New York, London and Riga (for a little while). We’ll keep the dispatches going for a little while longer.

p.s. Roger has actually been in London for work for the last few weeks. He’s been sofa surfing from friend to friend and catching up with family on the weekends. Meanwhile, Dora has been finishing her time at Meridian and saying her final goodbyes. 

We're now in Argentina - expect to hear more from us soon!

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