Monday 11 July 2016

Happy birthday, less happy refereeing, a party, a painful bike ride and some scary Pokemon

Saturday morning brought pancakes and handfuls of presents and cards for my birthday, the latter made abundant by Dora’s hiding of my mail for the past few weeks! A compass, eye mask, some Lululemon shorts and a casual checked shirt later, I set off for football. 

A sample of the costumes
The match is probably best described as a personal failure and team victory. I missed a sitter around the 6-yard box area, and during my 20 minutes as a volunteer referee managed to cost us a goal by overlooking a blatant offside by the opposition. However, we won 6-1, so there were no hard feelings as we headed to the mid-season party.

With Dora unofficial vice pres of the organising committee, the Wellington United ‘Euro 2016’ bonanza was always going to be fun. Several rounds of beer pong, break dancing, and cheap beers later we headed home, waking to sore heads the next day. I had unwisely arranged to cycle up and down Makara Peak with Richard, but luckily had a new Go Pro to distract me as we made the most of some winter sun.

Beautiful Mt. Victoria,
perfect for a romantic walk...
... until a Pokemon attacks!
Later in the afternoon Dora I recovered further, walking back from Mt. Victoria. On the way back we realised that Wellington has been infected with the latest craze, Pokemon Go, a smartphone-based game that adds a layer of strange creatures on top of your actual surroundings. At least the half the people we saw were peering into their phones swiping furiously at fictional things, blissfully unaware of the very non-fictional vehicles narrowly avoiding them.

We capped off our recovery with an all-you-can-eat Christmas-themed buffet at the James Cook hotel opposite our flat (mid-winter brings out the Yuletide vibes, including terrible Christmas music in Dora's office). Future guests can expect to be sent to the buffet when we tire of cooking!

Dora's 7th course: mince pie, xmas pud and mini-pav!

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