Tuesday 19 July 2016

The Food Blog: an interlude

Dear fans,

I'm back on editing duty this week and though I knowww you love reading about each weekend's football matches (I played, we won, Rog played, they drew) - we do strive for variety. So here is a post from the food blog I don't have the gall or photography skills to write. Plus it's a saturated market.

The brunch pan
This weekend was a sunny stunner, turning the flat from ice box to greenhouse and allowing lengthy cooking of brunch on both days. It really highlighted the importance of a brunch pan. If you've not yet got one of these, the essential features are: smaller than a normal frying pan and really good non-stick quality. Because, after all, who fries rashers and rashers of bacon and three fried eggs anymore? Saucepan for the poachies, toaster for the whole grain muffins, brunch pan for the spinach/button mushrooms. It's also the perfect size for omelette for one!

The crowd-pleaser social meal
The tradition of home-made pizzas in our household goes way back to the early years in London, to the famous Tooley St flat. American Ben brought round his maple-glazed sausages and mum's pizza dough recipe and Becky, Aditi and I would all pitch in with assorted toppings (anchovies banned). We didn't actually know American Ben very well and the pizza-making turned out to be a great ice-breaker. You can't beat this for a great social evening with friends! Use Jamie Oliver's dough recipe, which is almost as good as American Ben's mum's, but make it in a bowl rather than on the bench-top (you're not Jamie Oliver).

The winter warmer
It's been blowing a southerly in Wellington and even a long black from Frank's hasn't eased the chill. Luckily, Countdown has venison mince on offer! I crafted the meatballs on the spur on the moment because the venison was that sticky, and accompanied them with speedy braised red cabbage (vinegar and red wine) and rice. A lone leftover brunch egg went on top.

I'm really loving this photo because the orange egg yolk ties the winter food to the winter surroundings - the orange blanket in the background. It would be great to learn more about photographing venison, if anyone has any tips?


In real news, Roger reports that he's been going on some nice lunchtime runs up hills and I've joined a choir that rehearses in St Andrew's on the Terrace. This weekend we're going skiing so next week Roger will entertain you with white GoPro footage. Until then!

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