Tuesday 22 November 2016

Working, lunching, running and rafting

Monday 31st October was a tough day at the office for Roger, Simon and me. But we were joined in the evening by my Mum, who had been at a school reunion, and Simon made lentil bolognese which made us feel better about the holiday being over. We all dug into the enormous pavlova Roger had found in Pak 'n' Save, with strawberries and unwhippable cream (not for lack of trying). 

Back to work - ok not so bad
The week was filled with sunny lunches, work Skypes, runs in the hills round Wellington, Mt Vic fish and chips, and a memorable slab of lolly cake. On Thursday, buoyed by our success in Christchurch, we took on the Wellington Escape Room. It was really hard. Really really hard. But we managed to stop the creation of a chemical weapon of mass destruction and get out within the hour. We celebrated at Little Beer Quarter, then with prosecco and cocktails at the Library. Then we realised it was a school night.

The sea is never far away on a Wellington run
Having missed out on watersports in the South Island, Roger and Simon went off white water rafting on Saturday. Mum and I spent the evening giggling over the go-pro footage from the holiday (video to come!)

[Roger] Simon and I nipped up Highway 1, enjoying views over toward Kapiti Island on the way to Trish and Andrew’s. They’d kindly offered to put us up en route. We shared the remainder of the Port we’d purchased in Waipara, and enlisted Andrew to join us white water rafting before getting an early night.

An early morning drive took us to River Valley Lodge on the Rangitikei River, which held some Grade 5 rapids. The Rangitikei is the only river in New Zealand that requires two – as opposed to one – qualified instructors per trip. However, we took any dangers in our stride as we headed downstream, buoyed by the complements of our guide on our stroke timing (and the boat beneath us). We’ll be uploading some movie footage of this this next time we have the energy to wrestle with the Go Pro editing software.

On the way back Andrew showed us some great spots to mess about in the river and drop stones from great heights. Simon and I then nipped back down highway 1 to run the Paekakariki Escarpment track. This contained great views and slightly too many steps. My legs still ached on a run a week later.

[Dora] Mum and I had a relaxed Saturday and popped out to David Jones, the new big department store in Wellington, in the Kirkcaldie and Staines building. Initially unsuccessful we finally hit upon a navy shirt dress with pineapples on it. Sold! 

In the evening the lads were back and we all rugged up (forgetting it wasn't Nov, UK seasons) to watch the Wellington harbour fireworks from the balcony of the Meridian building. Possibly the best seats in the capital, we felt like people who'd got into a royal box for free! After the show, we had a nightcap with Wellington friends I've met recently (one American, one English), sitting on sofas near the harbour-front. 

Quiche patterns

On Sunday Lucy and Rich came round for a buffet lunch: quiche (or rather asparagus flan, as it turned out) accompanied by olives and salad and buck's fizz (to celebrate Simon's business' Finnish breakthough and my new(ish) job). Afterwards, we sat down to look at the holiday photos and reminisce about the big trip. 
In the evening Mum and I went over to Selwyn Terrace to see Douglas, Diana, David and Georgina, and I met little Grace, Georgina's daughter. A delicious dinner was almost ready there, but being Simon's last night I dashed off into town for a last meal the three of us together at Ombra, our favourite Venetian tapas spot. It was very yummy and of course very emotional.

Roger and Simon left for Auckland the next evening (R for a conference). Until the Reunion South Island Road Trip, 2020!
Mum and I had a sunny evening walk on the waterfront, a contrast to the driving rain Simon left Welly in only the day before!

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