Sunday 27 November 2016

Earth-moving events and a super Auckland interlude

Mum and my baked fish at the flat
Simon departed on Tuesday. Unable to bear an early farewell, I joined him on Monday night in Auckland (where I was also needed the next day for work). Unfortunately we arrived too late for a farewell dinner, so it ended up being some left over pizza dough from a soon-to-close pizzeria, and a couple of beers.

The week continued, and Trump was elected US President. I saw it unfold in Auckland airport, where at least it got strangers talking to each other. [Dora] I was singing Dachaulied, a poem composed by Austrian Jura Soyfer whilst in Dachau, with my choir at a Kristallnacht anniversary concert. Mum was in the audience, who joined in with the chorus in what was a very charged and rousing performance given what we knew of Trump at the time.

[Dora still] After the performance Mum and I went for dinner with Mum's school friend Pippa. Over three delicious steaks we shared our shock and concern, but also stories from Mum and Pippa's travels through Asia and the Middle East together on their OE (like a gap year). Pip had brought her diaries from the travels, which included details such as lists of bus journey times, itemised costs and present lists. After one more lunchtime meet and one more meal at the flat Mum left early on Friday morning.

[Roger] By Friday I was getting flight withdrawal symptoms having spent almost 48 hours away from an airport, so we whizzed up to Auckland on a plane to see Dora's cousin Tom and Sophie and baby Sylvie.

On Saturday we took Tom’s advice on ‘good places to walk in stormy weather’ and went to Bethells Beach. The rugged coastal walk reminded me a little of South West Wales. We lunched in a relatively sheltered spot and then headed back to the car via the beach. Dora fell in a river, so we grabbed a coffee at Elevation cafĂ© to warm her up.

The remainder of day was mainly spent entertaining/being entertained by Sylvie. A lovely (Craigend) roast lamb dinner and some intense Articulate (a word game) polished off a great day.

Sunday saw us head up the dormant volcano island of Rangitoto. There are 48 volcanoes within about 30km of Auckland’s city. “Ha” we laughed – “how silly to have such a major city so close to such natural hazards”…more on this later. Rangitoto is a symmetrical low cone-shaped island made of lava lump rocks complete with a crater covered in bush and lava tunnels you can walk through. What strikes you is how recently it was formed - 500-600 years ago.
From the summit of Rangitoto - looking back to Auckland city

Lava cave entrance

We joined Tom & Sophie at the Auckland museum and gardens to look at Zero fighter planes, Maori and Pacific art, an exhibition about New Zealand childhood and glasshouses of flowers. Another of Dora’s cousins, Julia, her partner Andy, and another new addition – chilled baby Felix – came over to Tom & Sophie’s place for afternoon. ([Dora] We are well comfortable with babies now!) [Roger] Sophie’s homemade cheese ball went down so well that we could barely fit in homemade pizza later in the evening.

Full stomachs meant we slept well at our favourite Auckland-Airport-based Ibis hotel. We awoke to the news of a devastating earthquake near Kaikoura, which also caused much damage to Wellington, although we didn't realise the extent at the time. New Zealand’s main rail and road links were cut, two people had died and hundreds have now been displaced.

We flew back with trepidation, walked through the deserted CBD and worked from home as aftershocks shook the city, and our flat. The damage to our flat was thankfully limited to a cracked window, but other parts of our home-away-from-home town haven’t been so lucky, buildings are now being condemned in the CBD. The Port is taking some time to recover, and there is a palpable sense of nervousness that this may not be the end of some energetic rumblings from mother earth.

No need to worry though – we’ve packed our emergency escape bags and are ready to Drop, Cover and Hold at a moments notice. Meanwhile, we’ve welcomed a friend from Roger’s policing days – Tom – to our shaky capital. More on this next time!

Rangitoto Island - spot the volcanic rock and Sky Tower of Auckland's CBD

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