Thursday 12 January 2017

Hunting, gathering and hosting

We landed in Wellington late on Tuesday night. Three days of work for Dora followed, during which I did some of my MA, went on some runs, and joined Dora for lunch in the sun (my office was closed until 9 January, since almost everyone in New Zealand is on holiday). 

The road to/from Ngawi

On Friday I picked up Dora from work and we headed over the Rimutakas to the small fishing settlement of Ngawi. This was part-time-home to the Corsers, friends of Dora’s family, who kindly welcomed us with some excellent roast lamb, washed down with a couple-too-many beers.

Me with a 'Spikey Dogfish' that went back in
Saturday morning dawned clear and still(ish), so we jumped on the Corser boat to catch lunch and dinner. It wasn’t the most successful of expeditions, but after checking four cray pots and getting many phantom ‘bites’ on our fishing rods we had enough Crayfish and Blue Cod to make a significant contribution to the meals.

Tom then took us quad biking to see some baby seals practising their swimming (cue “awww”), then on to a lighthouse with over 250 steps, which I tried to run up before dying halfway.

Tom and Roger at the Pinnacles
After some cross-country quad biking we then renewed our hunter-gathering, donning wetsuits and jumping into some shallow sea in search for Paua. Unfortunately this search was even less successful than fishing – poor visibility and lots of seaweed meant we only returned with one of the abalone-like shellfish. It tasted amazing on the BBQ though!

Dora and Adam in the swimming hole
On Sunday morning we headed back to Wellington via ‘The Pinnacles’. These are rocky columns that occur when a vertical section of rock is protected from weathering by a harder rock ‘capstone’. More importantly, they are the focus of the part of Lord of the Rings when Aragon and co head into the mountain to ask the undead army to lend them a hand.
Scene from 'Meridian Gardens Magic', where we took
Sophie and Adam to watch some country music in the
city's botanical gardens.

Although we’d been planning to greet Sophie and Adam on Sunday afternoon, flight issues meant they didn’t arrive until Monday. The delay made them extra-pleased to arrive, and Dora took them over to the Wairarapa to show them some walks, vineyards and discover a swimming hole on Tuesday. 

That evening we went to the Crab Shack, where we reached the conclusion that crab is quite a high-effort, low-reward kind of meal, but yummy all the same. 

Sophie and Adam have been exploring Wellington and nipping North to do the Tongariro crossing for the rest of the week, whilst we’ve been working. 
Latest from the Tongariro Crossing
This weekend we’re off to do the Queen Charlotte track, let the packing commence!

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