Thursday 9 February 2017

Giving each other some space... 12 thousand miles of it!

This short blog summaries the last couple of weeks, during which Dora has been visiting friends and family in the UK, and I’ve been visiting the library in Wellington.

Up a hill with Rich (left) and Matt (behind the camera)
My choice of venue was determined by the need to do some heavy intellectual lifting for my MA in Global Diplomacy. I’ve now tucked 5,000 words under my belt and am looking ahead to my dissertation, which will probably focus on Ebola.

When not doing (paid) work or (unpaid) work, I’ve been running up hills with friends and venturing out into Wellington Harbour to test my new wetsuit. Both adventures went swimmingly.

Dora, meanwhile...

I swapped the unconvincing Wellington summer weather for the UK in January. My busy two weeks started with a cold snap in Waterperry, during which Mum and I lived off hot water bottles and merino. London proved just as cold, and smoggier, but redeemed itself in being home to many brilliant friends, who turned up to catch up and compliment my tan. Thank you to Becky and Greg in particular for an impromptu birthday dinner, complete with cake, fancy French wine and an animated movie.

Smog was replaced by fog in the shires as Mum and I experienced Andover's new Travelodge, to have a relaxed pub dinner with Charles (I thrilled them with the inner workings of the NZ electricity industry) who I hadn't seen for over a year. The next morning we scored free cooked breakast, thanks to friendly Travelodge staff member Kyle.

My next stop was Bristol. Jess and Ada met me off the train and we had a lovely 24hrs hanging out together. I felt very lucky to spend so much time with gorgeous Ada. Raclette at Charles and Lydia's with Julius (particularly good veggie skewers, resisted instagramming) was topped off with a now-classic kiwi film, Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

There was a beautiful light in Bernwood Forest on the afternoon of the memorial walk for Louis, which I unsuccessfully captured on my phone (left) in contrast to his beautiful black and white film photos. There was an overwhelming turn out of friends and families for a warm occasion.

Dad arrived later that afternoon and I had a second birthday dinner and cake!

All too soon it was goodbye to Charles and Julius. Seeing a host of friends at an Oxford pub gathering helped my spirits. That evening, Mum, Dad and I watched the Sandhurst Parade video, poised over the pause button. We were rewarded with a close up, which we replayed several times (sorry Julius).

Monday was spent with delightful Christina (my goddaughter, now three!) who organised us into various games and classes, as well as adopting a caterpillar over lunch. On Tuesday it was lovely to catch up with Keith and Susan at home, and walk in the wintry Gardens. Wednesday I turned 27 and hung out with Mum and Dad at Blackwells in Oxford. On Thursday, I made a final visit to Louis' bench and Deborah at the church, before heading to Heathrow.

One longest-scheduled-flight-in-the-world and one chatty kiwi called Graham later and I arrived over the beach into sunny Nelson!

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