Wednesday 28 June 2017

Lions and the luck of the draw

Friday-like antics got going on Wednesday for us both, with Roger's work's client party and my E(lectric) V(ehicle) Team celebratory dinner. We recovered on Thursday evening, then were treated to Mexican at Lucy and Rich's place on Friday, followed by drinks at the boardgames bar where we played a Cyanide & Happiness-themed version of Cards Against Humanity. 

On Saturday we reached a swimming milestone - 1.5km in the pool - despite the best efforts of erratic children in the "slow" lane. The endorphins from the swim were channeled into excitement ahead of the first Lions - All Blacks test match.

We found ourselves back at Rich and Lucy's with pizza, a host of Lions supporters and two token ABs supporters. Torn as usual, I did the British thing and supported the underdogs. An exciting first half, including what Steve Hansen would later call "one of THE best test tries I've ever seen" was followed by some game-changing literal and figurative dropping of the ball by the Lions, letting the flexible ABs take over the game. Various beers were won and lost (but mostly lost).

Sunday started slowly but accelerated with a call from my colleague, who needed to give TalkSport radio access to the offices ahead of the evening's Lions Press Conference, which we were hosting. I've ended up helping to organise our end of things, so the afternoon found us buying black table cloths for the conference tables. However we did have time to dash up Mt Kaukau for a constitutional in the clouds.
A tricky question from the sports media
Jonathan Joseph
That evening we ran an excellent press conference and writer's briefing room for the Lions, hosting a mix of British and NZ journalists and TV. The focus was on Tuesday's game against the Hurricanes, so we had Gatland and Rory Best in, then Jonathan Joseph and Courtney Lawes, then Jack Nowell and Joe Marler. It was a really interesting event to be part of, and to see how what was said got written up the next day.

By Tuesday the red-jacketed Lions fans had well and truly landed in Wellington. The city buzzed all day and what seemed like the entire population trooped down to Westpac Stadium for the Hurricanes match. Hedging again with a Hurricanes shirt and Lions beanie, by a crazy fluke of luck we ended up sitting next to Matt and Phoebe, out of all the thousands of seats! We'd bought the tickets before we even knew each other.

Lots of tries, excitement and a comeback from the Hurricanes made it the perfect match to be at, though the draw meant that ultimately only rugby won. Undeterred the now merry thousands trooped back into the bars and specially set up marquees of town. We enjoyed Belgian beer and a boogie at Leuven before remembering it was a school night and reluctantly heading home.

Luckily the Lions had didn't need the Wednesday Press Conference they were going to hold at our offices during the day, so my day-after suffering was weathered at my desk.

I'm looking forward to my old friend Kiwi arriving this Friday, the second Test and the second press conference.

How did they know to seat us together?!

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