Thursday 1 September 2016

From winter to spring

The promised ski video

I'm distracted by salmon as I write today. I'm trying to make less of a smell cooking it than Roger did with his bit yesterday, and failing so far. Normally I would be on the bus to football, but the season finished last week with a dramatic game where we needed to win by 9 goals to 'clinch' the league title. We were up on goal difference against our rivals until their last game, which they paid the opposition to win 12-0. We won our last game 6-1.

A few of us had a good moan about the rival's oppo over beers and pizza with some of the Diamonds (women's 1st team), whilst watching the All Blacks take down the Wallabies again on Saturday in Wellington. Some lucky friends and relatives were at the game!

On Sunday we rose early to walk the 10k Paekakariki escarpment track before a date with the newest member of my extended family, Sylvie. 

The track climbs and traverses the steep hillside of the Kapiti coast, which used to be un-passable cliffs before the railway and road were built. With advice from Trish and Andrew we parked at Pukerua Bay and headed north. The track follows the railway out of the town then snakes up steeply, with each craggy corner bringing a new view of misty Kapiti Island and the coast one way or the other.

Roger scared an escaped sheep and lamb, we crossed two swing-bridges, climbed a seemingly never-ending zig-zag of stairs, and then later enjoyed the downhill as others walking the opposite way sweated up it, in running gear (vs our cold-start tramping gear). 

The yellow gorse matches Roger's backpack
We pose for a wholesome German hiking magazine

The last 200m of the track, along the railway in Paekakariki, is also along State Highway 1, so we were relieved to reach the cafes near the station, basking in sunshine. Excellent choices of halloumi bagel / feijoa juice and salami brioche / fresh orange juice were polished off as we gave up looking for a ticket machine and waited for the train.

We made it to Selwyn Terrace and were treated to a cuddle with gorgeous Sylvie (my baby-holding skills need improving!) and chocolate macarons over tea with Sophie and my uncle Douglas.

Future visitors, note the walk as a great day walk option from Wellington!

Next time: more news about little family members as tomorrow we fly to Gisborne. 

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