Friday 30 September 2016

Highlights from the calm before the storm

Dearest followers,

We're sorry for the hiatus in news; hopefully the Clinton-Trump debate filled the gap for you, though probably more depressingly and with fewer visuals of New Zealand.

We had a relatively quiet weekend, with Wellington United AFC Awards the only excitement of note, where collectively we won no awards but enjoyed others' (especially my team's star striker). Roger left on Thursday night for the UK, on a flight through Shanghai that went through Hong Kong. I leave for Malaysia on Wednesday, to meet Becky halfway and explore Kuala Lumpur, Penang and the Cameron Highlands. So there will be another hiatus until Roger gets back and is over jetlag. We have a week or so back at work before our South Island adventure at the end of October followed by visitors til maybe April next year. The storm!

My football team at our team dinner
Highlights from the quiet period:

We had a great catch up with my cousin Chris and his wife Jill at Selwyn Terrace, chatting jobs and Wellington vs Auckland city living, and met their little girl Tilly and almost-toddler Henry, who was very pleased with himself and the extra adult attention when Tilly went up to bed!

We also had a delicious three course roast dinner at friends Rich and Lucy's, which raised the bar far above pizza-making hosted at ours. I'll be researching sorbets and petits fours ahead of the return match. 

We took the overflowing recycling to the tip and in the tip shop Second Treasures discovered the above tea set. Luckily for Roger and all future guests we didn't have any cash with us. Actually, Roger was secretly loving it too.

My choir is gearing up to perform on Sunday with full orchestra and soloists: Vesperae solennes de confessore - Mozart; Ave verum corpus - Mozart; Stabat Mater - d'Astorga. All three are beautiful and in Latin. We're hoping the audience outnumber the choir at this stage.

It was a stunningly sunny day in Wellington yesterday (Friday) so the waterfront was heaving with people and a seal. I went out with some colleagues for vitamin D at lunchtime, ate an enormous pulled pork burger and got sunburnt. While at lunch Roger reached Hong Kong. This is a photo of Roger looking for friend Nim who lives in HK ... as it turned out Nim was already in London.
Last night I went to Sweeney Todd the musical/opera at St James Theatre as part of a Young Friends of NZ Opera black tie event (they missed a trick as I'm still not a member). It was suitably dramatic and chilling and Mrs Lovett was a stand-out character, but I was disappointed by the lack of spurting blood. Although given that a different production of the story in Auckland led to the accidental actual cutting of someone's throat not long ago perhaps this was a good thing (the actor was fine in the end).

I leave you with treats from couture patisserie and salon de the Louis Sergeant - not to be missed when you visit Wellington.

So long for a couple of weeks!

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