Monday 25 September 2017

Thinking inside the box

The last several days have been spent packing up our worldly possessions. We’re shipping a fair few boxes home while we journey through South America, meeting it on the other side of the globe. This involves lots of guestimation and lists, in which luckily I and Dora excel respectively.

We'll never know why Matt
was eating my head...
It was Dora’s turn on Morning Tea baking duty, so Thursday evening saw us taste-testing several meringues (verdict: ✓).

The main event this weekend was our leaving party, and New Zealand’s General Election. Most of Wellington was more focussed on the former, and arrived at our flat to help finish the ‘Phatt Rob Doger’ homebrew.

We Uber-ed to Joe’s Garage for the next stage of the evening – Quaff my Bluff. The game is as follows: person pours out generous taster of wine into everyone’s glasses, reads three pretentious tasting notes – one true, two fictional – and everyone then guesses which is correct. Everyone’s a winner, some more than others.

The night then continued to a bar, a club, and Burger King. All were fun. Dora particularly enjoyed Burger King, where she played basketball and raced arcade-style racing car games. After a recuperative lie in we headed to the tip to recycle the few items we hadn’t manage to sell or giveaway, and had sausages from the resident hot dog van (‘Rock Dogs’).

We spent the last of our energies watching a film in the cinema with Tim and Sophie. I had some gift cards from work, so spent as much as I could stomach on chocolate ice cream and milkshake.

Artistic hot dog shot
This week: completing our packing, eating increasingly eclectic meals as we use up our food supplies, and I bid farewell to work.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Things to do with lemons

Roger top, Phoebe right and me running in from the left!
This week, our main challenge was to use up a bag of lemons generously donated to the editors by Trish and Andrew.

It was also a busy week of getting out of work during the day. I took up two free yoga classes with colleagues (not always recommended) and we both went to the dentist (for the parents out there). A repeat visit to the sauna with Matt and Phoebe saw us finally jump off the waterfront platforms into the harbour - a Wellington must. We had lemon, honey and garlic baked chicken and I made lemon drizzle cupcakes.

On Thursday and Saturday morning I joined four other sopranos from the choir to record the voice part of an upcoming film score. The chapel is permanently set up for recording (bought originally by Peter Jackson), and we had the headsets, through which we got a click for timing, the rest of the music and the composer giving instructions in between takes. The score was hot off the press so we only sang each line once through before recording! It was very intense. If you live in New Zealand: Kiwi Christmas is a must-see this year. As a result of the hours of recording (so hard) my throat needed a lot of hot lemon water.

Lucy and Rich hosted us all for the All Blacks' walkover of South Africa on Saturday night, with a yummy chilli, cheese cake, brownies by Laura and...guacamole with lemons by us. 

Fulfilling a "when my foot's better" promise, we jogged the Skyline Track from Karori to Johnsonville on Sunday, with solid views of turbines and the hills and less solid footing thanks to gale force winds. We recovered by eating pancakes with lemon and sugar and honey and yoghurt, and making a big dent in the moving out in-house logistics.

This week we went to the World of Wearable Arts Preview Show, in support of the Neonatal Trust. After a pre-lunch dinner with Tim and Sophie we headed into the 3000ish-seat TSB Arena. We knew it was a good show, but were blown away by the slick production and creativity of the outfits! We both liked the science fiction and UV light sections, where monsters and robots roamed the stage as dancers writhed to beats of varying popularity. 

The final lemon was squeezed at work. Now we're onto the limes...

Sunday 10 September 2017

Over the hills and back again

Last week I was treated to Dora's choral concert, joined by Andrew and Trish and several over choir-groupies. While not a music buff, I was super-impressed by what even non-professional singers can do with their voices. I filmed some of the event, which will feature in a future blog. 

Dora, me, Matt and Phoebe pencilled in last weekend for some intense tramping. However, it was raining so we decided – after much deliberation fuelled by hourly-changeable Met Service forecast – to go wine tasting in Martinborough instead.

On Saturday morning we therefore fled the drizzle. Matt drove us over the Rimutakas and across the Wairarapa valley to Martinborough, where we’d booked into a cosy little AirBnB at the last minute. We deposited our bags and hired a tandem for Matt and Phoebe (Dora and I were on our cheapo trail bikes).

We started with reds and dessert wines at Muirlea Rise, then moved onto whites at generous Martinborough Vineyard. Cambridge Road provided a "naturalist" almost fizzy wine (Roger: "do you plan it all with the moon or some rubbish?" Hostess: "...yes"), which kick started our appetites for a lovely lunch outside at Luna Estate. Once we’d eaten Luna’s food and tasted some of their wine, it was on to Colombo where the friendly dog made up for the brief tasting explanations (“this is a white wine… very refreshing… grapes from over there *vague gesture* … good in summer ...enjoy”).

We finished the day with a final tasting and a bottle of champagne-style bubbly at Brodie Estate, where the intermittent rain finally cleared to let the sun slowly warm our glasses.

Back at base, we put on our glad rags and headed to the Matinborough Hotel for a pizza and the first half of All Blacks v Argentina. However, some Phatt Rob Doger and comfortable sofas were too tempting to resist for long, so we settled down to enjoy some of Dora’s brownie-cake and ‘In The Loop’.

We’d left our Sunday plans purposefully flexible, given the aforementioned fickleness of the weather and the temptation of blo-karting just up the coast. A planning brunch at The Village Café however sent us down to the south coast to see the Putangirua Pinnacles, where Matt stepped in some mud with his waterproof boots, and I stepped into a river with my highly-permeable trainers.

Cape Palliser lighthouse was next on the ad hoc agenda, via a a Ngawi fish and chips stand that was almost overwhelmed by a rush of eight customers. I ran up the 250+ stairs and regretted it, and then we got up close and personal with some seals.

The day was now getting on, so we sensibly headed home. However, en route I demanded we walk up the Rimutaka Trig, a gamble that rewarded us with some awesome views and chilblains.

We’re now back in the flat and getting neck-deep in logistics as we head back to the UK via South America.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

A thespie, foodie, escape-and-sauna type week

The Pickle King, a comedy with large glued-on noses, darker themes and echoes of Rushdie, was not the only play we saw during the week. Also set in New Zealand, but swapping the family-run Empire Hotel for an off-grid family home, A Doll's House modernized proved a powerful Friday night. At the end (spoiler alert) Nora tears down the translucent hangings of the set and throws open not only the doors to backstage but the fire doors onto the street and disappears out into the Wellington night.

On Saturday Roger went for a looong run with Tim and I did a big digital photo audit and back up (who had more fun?) so that we don't miss anything when we make an awesome panorama feature wall in our future house (in 2040). Here's a photo of Roger and Greg diving the Rainbow Warrior, and a photo of my favourite type of sea creature, the nudibranch. Both photos are now thoroughly backed up.

In the afternoon we joined Tim, Sophie, Phoebe and Matt for Roger's favourite pastime: an escape room. It was a big one, and we applied ourselves well, saving humanity (again) from the evil cyborg-touting secret ancient criminal underground organisation with a penchant for combination locks and UV light.

Roger dashed off to his football team Awards night, and after a drink at our favourite post-rugby bar Leuven with the team, I headed home to bake and watch a film Roger wouldn't watch.

Sorting, errands and choir practice took up Sunday, until 5.30pm, when we headed to post restaurant Logan Brown to have dinner thanks to some very generous friends (you know who you are). It was their leaving present to us but they took a little while to really review and choose the best Wellington restaurant (from afar).

The highlights were risotto bianco paired with a Loire Valley white and chocolate mousse with poached pear and Clearview (Hawke's Bay) fortified red wine. 

This is the week of the much-anticipated Madrigals choir concert on Wednesday and then EV World Awards on Thursday. Not sure what Roger's doing! In fact, he's already planned and run a very successful work event. 

And we had a daring Tuesday night, visiting the container sauna on the waterfront to escape the wet and windy night (picture not an accurate representation of the day).