Tuesday 5 September 2017

A thespie, foodie, escape-and-sauna type week

The Pickle King, a comedy with large glued-on noses, darker themes and echoes of Rushdie, was not the only play we saw during the week. Also set in New Zealand, but swapping the family-run Empire Hotel for an off-grid family home, A Doll's House modernized proved a powerful Friday night. At the end (spoiler alert) Nora tears down the translucent hangings of the set and throws open not only the doors to backstage but the fire doors onto the street and disappears out into the Wellington night.

On Saturday Roger went for a looong run with Tim and I did a big digital photo audit and back up (who had more fun?) so that we don't miss anything when we make an awesome panorama feature wall in our future house (in 2040). Here's a photo of Roger and Greg diving the Rainbow Warrior, and a photo of my favourite type of sea creature, the nudibranch. Both photos are now thoroughly backed up.

In the afternoon we joined Tim, Sophie, Phoebe and Matt for Roger's favourite pastime: an escape room. It was a big one, and we applied ourselves well, saving humanity (again) from the evil cyborg-touting secret ancient criminal underground organisation with a penchant for combination locks and UV light.

Roger dashed off to his football team Awards night, and after a drink at our favourite post-rugby bar Leuven with the team, I headed home to bake and watch a film Roger wouldn't watch.

Sorting, errands and choir practice took up Sunday, until 5.30pm, when we headed to post restaurant Logan Brown to have dinner thanks to some very generous friends (you know who you are). It was their leaving present to us but they took a little while to really review and choose the best Wellington restaurant (from afar).

The highlights were risotto bianco paired with a Loire Valley white and chocolate mousse with poached pear and Clearview (Hawke's Bay) fortified red wine. 

This is the week of the much-anticipated Madrigals choir concert on Wednesday and then EV World Awards on Thursday. Not sure what Roger's doing! In fact, he's already planned and run a very successful work event. 

And we had a daring Tuesday night, visiting the container sauna on the waterfront to escape the wet and windy night (picture not an accurate representation of the day).

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