Thursday 21 September 2017

Things to do with lemons

Roger top, Phoebe right and me running in from the left!
This week, our main challenge was to use up a bag of lemons generously donated to the editors by Trish and Andrew.

It was also a busy week of getting out of work during the day. I took up two free yoga classes with colleagues (not always recommended) and we both went to the dentist (for the parents out there). A repeat visit to the sauna with Matt and Phoebe saw us finally jump off the waterfront platforms into the harbour - a Wellington must. We had lemon, honey and garlic baked chicken and I made lemon drizzle cupcakes.

On Thursday and Saturday morning I joined four other sopranos from the choir to record the voice part of an upcoming film score. The chapel is permanently set up for recording (bought originally by Peter Jackson), and we had the headsets, through which we got a click for timing, the rest of the music and the composer giving instructions in between takes. The score was hot off the press so we only sang each line once through before recording! It was very intense. If you live in New Zealand: Kiwi Christmas is a must-see this year. As a result of the hours of recording (so hard) my throat needed a lot of hot lemon water.

Lucy and Rich hosted us all for the All Blacks' walkover of South Africa on Saturday night, with a yummy chilli, cheese cake, brownies by Laura and...guacamole with lemons by us. 

Fulfilling a "when my foot's better" promise, we jogged the Skyline Track from Karori to Johnsonville on Sunday, with solid views of turbines and the hills and less solid footing thanks to gale force winds. We recovered by eating pancakes with lemon and sugar and honey and yoghurt, and making a big dent in the moving out in-house logistics.

This week we went to the World of Wearable Arts Preview Show, in support of the Neonatal Trust. After a pre-lunch dinner with Tim and Sophie we headed into the 3000ish-seat TSB Arena. We knew it was a good show, but were blown away by the slick production and creativity of the outfits! We both liked the science fiction and UV light sections, where monsters and robots roamed the stage as dancers writhed to beats of varying popularity. 

The final lemon was squeezed at work. Now we're onto the limes...

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